Everything is cute to someone...
The most addictive thing since Jack and Coke!
But why?

What is a Tamagotchi?
The Japanese are fond of small things and this virtual pet is indeed teeny small. They came out in 1997 and were banned from schools across the land due to the incessant beeping they made when they craved attention.

Small, LCD pets which you need to feed, play with and clean up after or else they die. Stupid yes. very very stupid. But I bet you had one. Some people may have indeed had two.

various stages in the life of a tamagotchi
So why am i writing this? I rediscovered my tamagotchi the other day and got addicted again. Probably to the annoyance of all my friends. Maybe I'm trying to reclaim my childhood by decorating the egg like at easter or maybe i've just gone mad. Who knows? It's fascinating. Maybe if i look after it well i'll get the much craved secret character :) yes - secret character! One of the main fascinations is that the egg can grow into many different things and you just never know what! Wau!

But some people can't take the sheer tacky cuteness of a tamagotchi. Oh no, for they are wrong and possibly also rubbish. Take Tamagothi for example. This person detested them so much that he invented the anti-tamagotchi albeit in image only. Tamagothi - instead of burger and cake feed your pet smack. Instead of love, hit it. Hopefully it will grow into a a happy little goth kid and not a junkie. This person had far too much time on their hands.

The other extreme is this - £85 on e-bay for this devil tamagotchi. I call it madness! £85! let that be a lesson to any of my friends who would mock my and my little pet.

These are the Yummy Shoes. Lost? They will bring you home!