Everything is cute to someone...
News! And noones lost it.
News Headlines

The Prize(tm) this week goes collectively to Alan, Stu and Stephen for producing such fine contributions to the comic world. This picture isn't theirs. the one they made has Sophie Aldred...

The Distillers. Playing the Cathouse in September.


A special message to Alan and Stu - here is the news and it is in no way lost.

  • Rocky Horror stuff is happening on Halloween. Not sure where as stu lost the news.
  • So, America pissed the world off and somebody destroyed the World Trade Center. This in turn stopped planes from coming here. This lead to the Distillers being cancelled. So i went home. But fun was had by alan amd mog.
  • Stu's birthday is on Wednesday 22nd August. In case you wanted to get presents or something.
  • Stu has put the Melon Book on his site. It's all kinds of funny.
  • Go to see "Final fantasy" at the odeon and get 2 games for the price of 1 at laserquest - hint hint
  • Distillers tickets are now *cough* reduced to £6. I am presuming this is because Capdown are headlining and not them.
  • Ej bought tickets today for the Distillers. I got 4 (me, alan, mog and steg) but I think everyone should go
  • Flatwarming takes place on Friday. Contact TheFlat(tm) for further details.

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