Everything is cute to someone...
Make Up
Maybe it's the make-up page!



All articles written by fab-u-lous me. Stuff with Mog friendly! Hurrah! is Vegan Friendly.

Make-up Articles
  • Product of the Week
  • The eyes have it!
  • Manic Panic catalogue!

  • Product of the Week
    This weeks place belongs to MAC Pigment Powder from the MAC counter in Frasers.
    Priced at £12 it's not the cheapest powder ever but perhaps the coolest. Richly tinted and brilliantly frosted - it creates everything from a subtle sheen to a powerful iridescent finish. Use on lips, eyes, and all areas of the skin. It comes in so many unbeleviable shades but my fave is poiple. Easy to apply with a brush or fingers it's cool because the more you rub it the shinier it gets! The powder stays on forever and the seemingly shuuge tub will last months and months. MAC products are designed for use on catwalks and movies so the pigments they use are super-rich and super-reflective, showing up brilliantly in all lights - especially good in photos!

    Brilliant Eyes
    The eyes are the windows to the soul, so some say. Not me, Most of the time I think that my eyes are there are a base for inventing new make up things. Am I mad? Probably, but I'm not alone. Only difference is the artists who created these eyes get paid a fortune for it.
    My favourite. Line the rim of the eye with navy or black kohl pencil. Smudge some purple eyeshadow from the inner corner outwards along the lash line. White eyeshadow isn't scary when used as a highlighter so lend at the innner and outer corners of the eye. Finish with lashings of black mascara.
    This look reminds me of Sushi. Yellow on the inner rim blended with white/pearl in the middle of the lower lid through to a garish pink on the outer lid. A very fine line of dark following the lash line finishes it off.
    The "I've worn the same makeup for days" look. Do that and you'll end up like this.
    Very 1920's. Too much lash? Possibly. But I like dark and smudgy. Line around the eye witha kohl pencil. Apply grey eyesahdow to the lower lid and black shadow on the eye crease. Blend these together on the upper lid. Apply either flash eyelashes to upper and lower lashes or layer on tons of dark thickenign mascara. This will look more effective if you have paler skin- i think.

    Manic Panic Catalogue!
    Yes! Such a thing exists! And it arrived on my doorstep this morning all the way from NYC! I'm about to send away for the color catalogue! Wau! You get a free manicpanic sticker!
    Soon as my scanner is fixed i'll put the best bits here, in the meantime there are links to the official site.
    Nail Polish! More colours than you can imagine!
    Loads of cool eye make-up! And the best false eyelashes ever - better even than Dr Frank!
    How cool are wigs - like a different hair dye every day!
    weird yet informative.. Lipsticks - not known for lipsticks, manicpanic have some really excellent colours!

    These are the Yummy Shoes. Lost? They will bring you home!