Yummy Pages by Ej Powerpuff coming soon...

Welcome to
Yummy Pages
by EjPowerpuff

Created for no real reason other than to spread cuteness around the whole galaxy. Take warning though - contains shhuge amounts of girly material :)
The following are in no particular order of preference
Powerpuff StuffThe best cartoon heroines ever! Here's why.
MusicYou can never have too much of it.
PeepsIf you're not interested in my friends then you're not interesting so go away
NewsRead "Gossip" tee hee
Eye Candy!Not all working yet, but theres some bits and bobs about drew and angelina :)
Cute & Girly StuffBoys beware!
Links PageThe page with the links

These are the Yummy Shoes. Lost? They will bring you home!